Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I ran into Carmela at CupaJava and we chatted about the weather and the need for the children to get new coats and sweaters to prepare for the chill. She said that the next time I stop at The Blossom Salon, that her husband would give us a discount on our purchases. That would be nice, with three sets of coats and sweaters to buy and Susie needs a haircut as well, any discount would be appreciated. Thankfully the twins inherited some simoleans from thier father in Simmerville. a little of $11,000 each. We are only allowed to use 25% of thier funds for help with thier upbringing now-but that will be plenty to add an addition to the house so they can have seperate rooms, getting thier clothing and of course food and bills. We're investing the rest in some silver so that they can use it for thier apprenticeship guild funds and future families. I must visit the bank and get some advice about investing-I wouldn't want thier funds to be depleted

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