Saturday, March 22, 2008

An Unexpected Visitor

Ayanna Kent stopped by today right before I walked the children to school. Her husband died during the night and she wanted to chat about funeral services. I told her to call me later or I'd stop by The Centre to chat with her.

Well, the funeral will be rather small. A wake at thier house, I'll speak a few words and then the family will walk to the church to have his tomb laid at rest. Such a sad time, especially with thier daughter getting married soon. A damper on the events if you ask me.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Faith and Susie seem to be bonding quite nicely. They share a bedroom and it's decorated in purple (for Faith) and flowers (for Susie). Susie isn't as outgoing as Faith, but Faith seems to have taken Susie under her wing-even though they are the same age. However Susie does teach Faith new things. They were playing chess and Susie talked to Faith a little bit about the blue alien history. It was the first I heard of one of the twins discussing thier history and I wasn't aware that Susie knew so much...I wonder if she was taught or was it inate?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Son

Boys are different from girls. At least Harvis is very different from Susie and Faith. I shouldn't expect them to be the same, but...

I sat down with Harvis at CupaJava (I wish we had taken the kids to the park instead, but Nicole wanted to pick up some baked goods and she ran into friends and got into a long conversation) and we chatted about his recent move from Simmerville to Apple Valley. He talked about his aunt and his older siblings. I encouraged him to post on the SUN boards, but he said that he rather stare at the stars.

I think I should keep him away from the telescope, there were warnings about the blue and green aliens. What if his blue alien ancestors want him to return to thier planet? What if the green aliens kidnap him? No, perhaps he should look into another music.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I ran into Carmela at CupaJava and we chatted about the weather and the need for the children to get new coats and sweaters to prepare for the chill. She said that the next time I stop at The Blossom Salon, that her husband would give us a discount on our purchases. That would be nice, with three sets of coats and sweaters to buy and Susie needs a haircut as well, any discount would be appreciated. Thankfully the twins inherited some simoleans from thier father in Simmerville. a little of $11,000 each. We are only allowed to use 25% of thier funds for help with thier upbringing now-but that will be plenty to add an addition to the house so they can have seperate rooms, getting thier clothing and of course food and bills. We're investing the rest in some silver so that they can use it for thier apprenticeship guild funds and future families. I must visit the bank and get some advice about investing-I wouldn't want thier funds to be depleted